Frezos Antgaliai keramikiniai deimantiniai kietmetalio poliruokliai Freza

Frezos antgaliai, instrumentai

Nagų šlifavimo aparatai, frezos manikūrui, pedikiūrui ir priedai
Antgaliai antgalis frezai 

Platūs asortimentas: Keramikinės, deimantinės, kietmetalio...

Kotelio diametras 2,35 mm
Galima rinktis padengimo grubumą ir galvutės dydį.
Galvutės padengimo grubumo spalvinis kodavimas ir dalelių dydis:

Geltonas žiedas - labai smulkus
Raudonas žiedas - smulkus
Mėlynas žiedas - vidutinis 
Žalias žiedas - aštrus
Juodas žiedas - labai aštrus

Aktyvūs filtrai

  • Kategorijos: Kietmetalio clear
  • Grubumas: Extra Fine clear
  • Grubumas: Švelni clear
Kietojo metalo lydinio frezos antgalis karbidinis 5000104

- High wear resistance- Perfect heat reduction- Very high removal- Completley resistant to chemical disinfectants- an absolute "EYE-CATCHER" in your studioSolid carbide cutters with cutting cone tip with cross toothing The bit is characterized by very high strength and durability. Working on artificial nails is guaranteed by the rounded cutting tip. The cutter is designed for professional use for the removal of gel and acrylic panels with high efficiency and celebrations. It will also act like the removal of calluses. Wet and dry use.
11,95 €
Kietojo metalo lydinio frezos antgalis karbidinis 5000204
- High wear resistance- Perfect heat reduction- Very high removal- Completley resistant to chemical disinfectants- an absolute "EYE-CATCHER" in your studioSolid carbide cutters with cutting cone tip with cross toothing The bit is characterized by very high strength and durability. Working on artificial nails is guaranteed by the rounded cutting tip. The cutter is designed for professional use for the removal of gel and acrylic panels with high efficiency and celebrations. It will also act like the removal of calluses. Wet and dry use.
11,95 €
Kietojo metalo lydinio frezos antgalis karbidinis 5000226
- High wear resistance- Perfect heat reduction- Very high removal- Completley resistant to chemical disinfectants- an absolute "EYE-CATCHER" in your studioSolid carbide cutters with cutting cone tip with cross toothing The bit is characterized by very high strength and durability. Working on artificial nails is guaranteed by the rounded cutting tip. The cutter is designed for professional use for the removal of gel and acrylic panels with high efficiency and celebrations. It will also act like the removal of calluses. Wet and dry use.
11,95 €
Kietojo metalo lydinio frezos antgalis karbidinis 5001412
- High wear resistance- Perfect heat reduction- Very high removal- Completley resistant to chemical disinfectants- an absolute "EYE-CATCHER" in your studioSolid carbide cutters with cutting cone tip with cross toothing The bit is characterized by very high strength and durability. Working on artificial nails is guaranteed by the rounded cutting tip. The cutter is designed for professional use for the removal of gel and acrylic panels with high efficiency and celebrations. It will also act like the removal of calluses. Wet and dry use.
11,95 €
Kietojo metalo lydinio frezos antgalis karbidinis 5000213
- High wear resistance- Perfect heat reduction- Very high removal- Completley resistant to chemical disinfectants- an absolute "EYE-CATCHER" in your studioSolid carbide cutters with cutting cone tip with cross toothing The bit is characterized by very high strength and durability. Working on artificial nails is guaranteed by the rounded cutting tip. The cutter is designed for professional use for the removal of gel and acrylic panels with high efficiency and celebrations. It will also act like the removal of calluses. Wet and dry use.
11,95 €
Kietojo metalo lydinio frezos antgalis karbidinis 5000210
- High wear resistance- Perfect heat reduction- Very high removal- Completley resistant to chemical disinfectants- an absolute "EYE-CATCHER" in your studioSolid carbide cutters with cutting cone tip with cross toothing The bit is characterized by very high strength and durability. Working on artificial nails is guaranteed by the rounded cutting tip. The cutter is designed for professional use for the removal of gel and acrylic panels with high efficiency and celebrations. It will also act like the removal of calluses. Wet and dry use.
11,95 €
Kietojo metalo lydinio frezos antgalis karbidinis 5000207
- High wear resistance- Perfect heat reduction- Very high removal- Completley resistant to chemical disinfectants- an absolute "EYE-CATCHER" in your studioSolid carbide cutters with cutting cone tip with cross toothing The bit is characterized by very high strength and durability. Working on artificial nails is guaranteed by the rounded cutting tip. The cutter is designed for professional use for the removal of gel and acrylic panels with high efficiency and celebrations. It will also act like the removal of calluses. Wet and dry use.
11,95 €
Idealiai tinka akrilo ir gelio apdorojimui 302001
- Didelis atsparumas dilimui- Puikus karščio mažinimas- Labai didelis šalinimas- Visiškai atsparus cheminėms dezinfekavimo priemonėms- absoliutus jūsų studijos akį traukiantis akcentasKietlydinio karbido frezos su pjovimo kūgio antgaliu su kryžminiais dantukais Antgalis pasižymi labai dideliu tvirtumu ir ilgaamžiškumu. Darbą su dirbtiniais nagais užtikrina užapvalintas pjovimo antgalis. Pjoviklis skirtas profesionaliam naudojimui, kad gelines ir akrilines plokšteles būtų galima nuimti labai efektyviai ir šventiškai. Jis taip pat veiks kaip nuospaudų šalinimas. Naudojimas drėgnu ir sausu būdu.
11,95 €